{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{% block title %}New Applicant{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h1>Submit Your Fellowship Application</h1>
{{ include('applicant/_form.html.twig') }}
<p><strong>* Dean’s Letter Requirement Note: </strong> if you need to request your Dean's Letter, please upload a document with your name and date as
a confirmation you have requested a copy from your medical school to be sent via email to:</p>
<li>Isaac Valencia-Avendano (ivalenciaavendano@health.ucsd.edu) for Body Imaging applicants</li>
<li>Mariana Yanez (m4yanez@health.ucsd.edu) for MSK applicants </li>
<li>Delia Munoz-Olivares (dmunozol@health.ucsd.edu) for Breast Imaging applicants</li>
<li>Isaac Valencia-Avendano (ivalenciaavendano@health.ucsd.edu) for Women's Imaging applicants</li>
<li>Delia Munoz-Olivares (dmunozol@health.ucsd.edu) for Cardiothoracic applicants</li>
<li>Myra N Dang (mndang@health.ucsd.edu) for MRI applicants</li>
{% endblock %}